Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Facebook is nothing but history

I got off Facebook because it was just emotionally draining on me and my family. It's lost it's push I think. I know people use it to keep in touch, but personally I think it puts you in touch with some people you never had business being in touch with again. Plus, facebook doesn't COST you anything per say, but in reality, they are selling you like a donut at Krispy Kreme with the hot light on!!! That's just my feeling anyway. In talking with friends though, it seems like more people are agreeing and getting off. It's like a bad habit that has you sucked in for life. But, it's really not. They just want you to think that!! Well that's my rant on facebook. I could go on, but I have other things to do, like fix dinner and make sure the little hardy's aren't killing each other. Peace!


  1. HEY!!!! Since I havent been able to see you guys because of work and school and gymnastics... I am glad that I can keep up with you guys this way!!!! yay!! How r u feeling by the way????

  2. Hey Angela, everything is going pretty well. I had a doctors appointment on monday and got to hear the heartbeat of the baby. I have an ultrasound on April 3 to determine the sex. Of course everyone wants a boy. Health is the main concern though. Thanks for saying hey!

    1. oooo cant wait to find out. Please give everyone big hugs and kisses from Auntie Angela.... Oh tell John Ryan that I need to borrow some of that money he's got there.... Love you guys


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