Monday, April 16, 2012

So much to do, so little time

What I wish I was doing right now!!
Do you ever get those days where you know you have to get a ton of stuff done and you know there just isn't enough time or energy to get it all done. If your the typical American, then that's most likely your everyday scenario. Maybe you're one of those awesome organized types who writes everything down and happily checks them off as you skip down the rail road tracks...ha (think joe dirt) Anyway, that isn't me. I write stuff down, but I get so exhausted half way through the one thing I was doing, I forget what the heck I was doing and then get distracted by something else. Adderall anyone?? So, what was I saying? I just got distracted by Bubble guppies. Even that show has a pattern to it. BLAH. Ok, well off to get busy. By the way, if you haven't's a boy!! And it's going to be quite a struggle to find the perfect name for him. Boys are so much harder to name than girls. Got any good ideas??


  1. Are you going to carry on the family name tradition?? You've got Clive, Gene, Edward, Cecil, Travis, Al, Rhonda, Howell, Joesph jr., Those are some great names huh.....

  2. What about Oliver.... I think that is soooo cute...

  3. All of our kids names are pretty traditional. I'm not sure what direction we will go in. I like Oliver too. Beau is at the top of my list....

  4. I still like Beau!
    My name suggestions:


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