Thursday, April 26, 2012

They like to eat!

One thing my kids have never had issue with! They are and have always been good eaters. Sarah is getting a tad picky in her old age, but I think it's just a test of wills more than anything. I haven't made any "gourmet" meals this week and I was a lot less stressed last week when I made a meal plan and prepared ahead. Audrey has managed to get us all sick with some sort of funk, so I'm using that as my excuse. Well anyway, here's the pics of the week. By the way, check out how great the back yard looks!!
Pineapple Raspberry smoothies and Chicken noodle soup

Cheese eggs and toast

Monday, April 23, 2012

daily happenings...

The boys rode to school on their bikes. cool man!

Chicken Tamale Pie. I didn't like the Tamale part too much. Not used to it I guess. Overall a good recipe though. here is the link...Chicken Tamale Pie by Pinch of Yum

Light BBQ chicken pizza. I thought it was very tasty, but the crust needed to be cooked a lot longer to have a pizza "crust" consistency. Here is the link to the recipe...Light BBQ pizza by Pinch of Yum

We went to a trampoline park, everyone loved it

Monday, April 16, 2012

So much to do, so little time

What I wish I was doing right now!!
Do you ever get those days where you know you have to get a ton of stuff done and you know there just isn't enough time or energy to get it all done. If your the typical American, then that's most likely your everyday scenario. Maybe you're one of those awesome organized types who writes everything down and happily checks them off as you skip down the rail road tracks...ha (think joe dirt) Anyway, that isn't me. I write stuff down, but I get so exhausted half way through the one thing I was doing, I forget what the heck I was doing and then get distracted by something else. Adderall anyone?? So, what was I saying? I just got distracted by Bubble guppies. Even that show has a pattern to it. BLAH. Ok, well off to get busy. By the way, if you haven't's a boy!! And it's going to be quite a struggle to find the perfect name for him. Boys are so much harder to name than girls. Got any good ideas??

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter

 My future Tech grad!!


 Nanny and Pops 

 The family

 Me and my man

 The REAL boss! My fabulous MIL Edna Mae.

The feast!

Thank you for the Cross Jesus, and thank you for your Resurrection and life!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

ITS TWIN BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SAY WHAT?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! Where did the other one come from????????????????????

Anyway, I'm totally kidding. (april fools. ha ha) I went to the doctor this morning for the ultrasound all excited and John Ryan came with me. We walked in the office and there was no one there. I was like, that's odd. Apparently three floors of the brand new cancer center building that the doctor's office is in were FLOODED!!!! Talk about a downer. So, I'll just have to wait until next week to see what kind of person this little hardy is.

Friday, March 30, 2012

A girl after my own heart!

Looks like someone is getting a head start on their love for legos! YAY! AND check out that afro!!! WOO!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Deep in the trenches

Today I dedicate my post to my best friend in Liberia, Africa.

Have you ever felt so down, so beat up and weak you just didn't know how you were going to make it through? If you are alive, at some point in your life, you've felt this way. The great news is that there's hope for you. Believe it or not, there is a God in heaven who's Grace and Love is sufficient for you. Here in America we rarely get a glimpse at deep, lasting pain and suffering. My friend Ashley sees it every single day and every single day she has nothing to cling to but the Father. I feel like it's so easy to be complacent and uncaring here. How do we change that into compassion and love? A current battle of mine. A large battle that I fail at just about every single day. That and thanklessness. It's such a simple thing really, to be thankful. But how many of us really are? Most of us are only thankful when God gives us what we want or things go the way we think they should. My heart has been so heavy with these 2 things lately and I feel so convicted about living a life void of compassion and thankfulness. I challenge you to go to Ashley's blog and read the post titled, "Come, Lord Jesus" Just Click Here  I also challenge you to read Ann Voskamp's post titled "When you want to turn your life around"  These are two places that I have met with the Saviour. I hope you can meet Him there too.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Coupons and stuff

This week, one of my goals is to learn how to effectively coupon for our family. There are so many great resources and it's my own fault if I don't access them. I remember as a child how the mom across the street from me, whom I often think of, had four kids and she had the most large, annoying, obtrusive coupon box under the front seat of her van. I imagine that there were days that without those coupons, she wouldn't have been able to get groceries. I don't live like that, but I should. It would probably allow my husband to stay home more. With our number growing, come August, Joe and I will be outnumbered 2-1; a box of cereal lasts all of MAYBE 2 days!!! That has to get under control somehow! Anyway, if you have any coupons that you want to send my way, just email me and we can hook up some how.

Meal planning is also on my agenda. There are also tons of resources out there for that. Wish me luck!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

oh Lawd

A man's quest for a decent yard.

Spring has sprung in the south

Around here that means several things:
1. A pollen bath for anything and everything outside

2. Blooming Azaleas (not my favorite, but the colors are nice)

3. Easter clothes shopping (got the girls dresses and JR a nice shirt and tie yesterday)


I am happy for the warmer weather for sure. I doubt it will get cold again here. We just haven't had the cold temperatures over the winter like we normally do. Not sure I will be able to live north of the Mason Dixon ever again. I just can't take it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Me and all my "mom"dom glory

Laundry, diapers, napping kids, screeching cat, you know....all the good stuff...not to mention my Drew Carey glasses. (hey, I needed something reliable!)


John Ryan- He is finishing up first grade and doing well. He is reading at about a 3rd grade level. He goes to a great school and has learned so much. He still enjoys playing Halo and isn't playing with Lego's very much anymore. (sad for me really!) He likes going to the bmx track over by his school whenever Joe gets a chance to take them. His favorite cartoon right now is called The Adventures of Gumball. (it's stupid, but aren't all cartoons?) He is a great helper to me, but when he gets frustrated has picked up my bad habit of yelling. (whoops...) Right now he still says he wants to be a police officer and in the military when he grows up. Both noble careers, just not well paying. Why is that all parents seem to be concerned with anyway? We go to church every Sunday when I'm feeling well. I was teaching 2 year old's, but I'm taking a break right now because of the pregnancy. Back to JR, he loves Ms. Teresa and the other teachers there. He has been asking a lot of questions lately and has said that he has invited God to be in his heart. Praise the LORD of course. But I want him to take is slow and make sure he is fully aware of his decisions. Joe and I look forward to seeing all the great things John Ryan will accomplish in life.

Sarah- This little girl is free spirited and always has been. However, I'm not quite sure if that's the right adjective. Her easy going personality resembles Joe's more than mine. She just likes to have a good time and would rather ignore everything else at times. She can be pretty daft at times and it takes a lot of encouragement to get her to do something she doesn't want to do. (stubborness??, wonder where she gets that from...ahem*) Anyway, she is a very happy person and likes to laugh and sing like most little girls do. She has been going to Kid's R Kids pre-k program since September and it's been one of the greatest blessings, for me and her! Her teacher is also one of mine and Joe's Sunday school teachers. So, I know she is being well looked after. She has also been in dance/tap class for almost a year now. Her first recital is coming up in May. She is getting excited about that! Her favorite cartoon right now is whatever John Ryan likes. She really loves her big brother, but not when he's too rough with her of course. (what else is new between siblings??)

Audrey- When she was really little, a friend of Joe's gave her the nickname "happy baby." It's actually her former NFL 250lb black godfather. (hahahhah!!) Anyway, she truly is a happy baby. Not really a baby anymore though. She turned 2 in January and will be a big sister in August. I don't think she quite knows what's coming yet. I think she'll be a great helper and will enjoy the new baby. She has a eager to please/learn attitude. She is very intelligent and can work an ipad/ipod/computer better than most people can. She has no fear towards new things and generally just takes new situations as they come. She had a cardiologist appointment for a heart murmur last week. She did fantastic the whole time and the staff was amazed. She got the all clear from the doctor. So PRAISE THE LORD there for sure. It will be interesting for sure to see what kind of pastimes she becomes interested in later on down the road. (I'm pretty sure they don't call them pastimes anymore...but whatever! haha)

Baby #4- Had an ultrasound at 13 weeks and everything looked good from there. Heard the heartbeat at 17 weeks and sounded good. The next appointment will be on April 3 and everyone is just chompin at the bit to find out the sex of the next Hardy person!!  Most craved thing so far: pickled cauliflower and potato chips with franks hot sauce. (healthy I know!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Facebook is nothing but history

I got off Facebook because it was just emotionally draining on me and my family. It's lost it's push I think. I know people use it to keep in touch, but personally I think it puts you in touch with some people you never had business being in touch with again. Plus, facebook doesn't COST you anything per say, but in reality, they are selling you like a donut at Krispy Kreme with the hot light on!!! That's just my feeling anyway. In talking with friends though, it seems like more people are agreeing and getting off. It's like a bad habit that has you sucked in for life. But, it's really not. They just want you to think that!! Well that's my rant on facebook. I could go on, but I have other things to do, like fix dinner and make sure the little hardy's aren't killing each other. Peace!